World Menopause Day focuses on HRT prescribing in 2024

HRT prescribing in 2024

Each year, World Menopause Day brings awareness to a particular theme relating to the menopause and this year’s focus is Menopause Hormone Therapy (MHT), known here in the UK as Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).

President of the International Menopause Society and hormone specialist Professor Nick Panay is the lead author of a ground-breaking White Paper, published to coincide with this year’s WMD.

The aim of the IMS White Paper is to provide a well-balanced educational narrative of the menopause and HRT from IMS experts. The paper provides welcome advice and clarity from the misinformation that exists around menopause.

“Healthcare providers worldwide have a duty to provide a supportive, informative environment where women can freely discuss menopause as it affects them individually, express their concerns and priorities and receive personalised care to optimise their health and well-being in the second half of their lives,” Professor Panay explains.

The paper explores the principles and controversies of prescribing MHT and lays the groundwork for the forthcoming updated IMS recommendations on menopause prescribing.

It looks at whether menopause entirely unique to the human species, whether the dose levels of oestrogen and progestogen are important, whether the prescribing of testosterone in women has become overzealous and when should HRT be started and stopped.