Every September, the charity Blood Pressure UK promotes the importance of knowing your numbers when it comes to your blood pressure, as one in two strokes and heart attacks are caused by high blood pressure.

One in three UK adults have high blood pressure, yet half of those do not know it or aren’t receiving treatment. These figures are alarming, so what are the essential health metrics that we should all be aware of to prevent the development of serious health conditions?

It’s a numbers game

Certain numbers add up to good health, and unlike your family history, gender, or age, they are metrics that can be modified by your choices. Knowing what your numbers are and whether they are in a healthy range is critical, as the first stages of high blood pressure or cholesterol, for example, are often symptom-free.

The 6 essential health metrics

1. Your blood pressure

Your target: 120/80 mm Hg or less

Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against your artery walls. If it is consistently too high, known as hypertension, your heart has to work harder, and your arteries become damaged. Often known as the ‘silent killer’ due to its lack of symptoms, hypertension can lead to heart attacks and strokes.

2. Your cholesterol levels

Your target: Total blood cholesterol should be 5mmol/l or less

Cholesterol is a fatty substance, or lipid, in your blood that the body requires for many essential functions. However, too much cholesterol can build up and combine with other substances to form plaque or fatty deposits. These cause your arteries to harden and narrow, creating blockages that can lead to strokes or heart attacks.

Plaque build-up typically produces no symptoms, often until too late, so checking cholesterol levels with a blood test is essential. This will check for levels of HDL (‘good’ cholesterol) or LDL (‘bad’ cholesterol), but overall, your total should be below 200.

3. Your Body Mass Index

Your target: Between 18.5 and 24.9

Your Body Mass Index, or BMI, is a calculation of your weight and height, which can determine whether you are overweight or obese. It’s vital as excess body fat increases your risk of many serious health problems, from diabetes to sleep apnoea.

As a single measure, it is not a perfect test of metabolic health as it does not assess the amount of fat or how it is distributed or measure your frame, so it can be thrown off by high muscle mass.

4. Your waist-to-hip ratio

Your target: 0.85 or less for women and 0.9 or less for men

According to a recent study, your waist-to-hip ratio might be better than BMI in predicting future health problems. It measures fat distribution around the abdominal area as fat stored in this region contributes to cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.

5. Your resting heart rate

Your target: An average resting heart rate for adults is between 60 and 100 beats per minute (bpm)

Measuring your resting heart rate and other markers, such as your blood pressure and cholesterol, can help gauge your current heart health. A high resting heart rate can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease.

6. Your blood sugars

Your target: For most people without diabetes, normal blood sugar levels are between 4 and to 6 mmol/L before meals and less than 8 mmol/L two hours after eating

High blood sugar is when there is too much glucose or sugar in your blood, usually because your body isn’t producing insulin in the case of type 1 diabetes or if the body doesn’t use insulin properly to control blood sugar levels, leading to type 2 diabetes. If blood sugar levels are too high for too long, it can damage your heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys and nerves.

At GP London W1, we use the latest health testing technology during our Comprehensive Medicals to identify health risks or issues, such as diabetes, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure, so you can take proactive charge of your health and well-being.

After enjoying soaring temperatures in recent weeks, a new study has shed light on our attitude towards protecting our skin. Worryingly, only 40% of Brits buy SPF when they go on holiday, and only half wear SPF when it’s sunny. The Face the Future survey also found that a fifth of men never wear SPF, compared to 9% of women.

Alongside the record-breaking temperatures we’re experiencing, London is regularly registering high UV index levels. The ultraviolet or UV index tells you how intense the sun’s UV rays are. Too much UV exposure damages DNA in your skin cells, resulting in sunburn in the short term, and another recent study carried out by Cancer Research UK found a third of British adults had been sunburnt in the UK over the last 12 months.

If the body can’t repair this damage, abnormal cells can develop, leading to skin cancer.

Knowing the signs of skin cancer

Another issue highlighted by the Face the Future survey was that 46% of UK adults were not familiar with the symptoms of skin cancer.

The main types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and melanoma. Skin cancers can look different from one individual to another, but watch out for any new growth or a change to an existing growth or mole. This includes:

  • A new skin growth or a change to an existing growth in terms of size, shape or colour
  • A new mole or a mole that changes in size, shape or colour
  • A mole or skin growth that bleeds
  • A pearly bump on your face, ears or neck.
  • Sores that look crusty or bleed often
  • A growth with a raised border
  • A wound or sore that won’t heal, or that comes back again
  • A scaly lesion that might itch or bleed

While most moles and skin growth are benign and are never likely to cause health problems, it is essential to have any new lesions or changes in existing lesions checked. Most skin cancer is treatable if caught early enough. Prevention is better than cure, though, and practicing sun safety is vital.

Please call +44 (0)20 4580 1152 to make an appointment or fill in our contact form and one of the team will be in touch to book you in for a skin check.

Is continuity of care between GPs and their patients essential? A recent study has highlighted the widespread threat to GP continuity of care in the UK, a core principle of our practice. Researchers at the University of Leicester analysed data from over 6,000 general practices in England. They found that a decline in continuity has been exacerbated by the Covid pandemic and fewer GP appointments being available.

Defining continuity of care

The Royal College of General Practitioners defines continuity of care as “the extent to which a person experiences an ongoing relationship with a clinician… Both doctor and patient contribute to its creation and maintenance.”

At GP London W1, we offer patients access to their own dedicated GP with the added benefit of smaller waiting lists, allowing us to spend more time with each patient. If your doctor is on annual leave or unwell, you can be assured of the same level of care from one of our other doctors.

“We are a very close-knit team which can only benefit our patients,” Dr Caroline Wall explains. “Our approach to medicine is the same, and we constantly share ideas or ask each other for advice. Our patients know that they will receive the same level of care whoever they see.”

The benefits of continuity of care

Published in the Annals of Family Medicine, the University of Leicester study follows up on work done earlier this year by the same academics on the benefits that continuity of care brings for patients.

Continuity of care has been proven to reduce the need for out-of-hours care and emergency hospitalisations and to extend life expectancy.

The impact on mortality rates is believed to be because continuity of care means patients are more likely to follow important medical advice and adhere to long-term medical regimes. They are also more likely to embrace preventative measures such as immunisations or health screening.

Continuity is essential to certain patient groups. Those living with multiple long-term conditions, the elderly and those with mental health difficulties greatly benefit from continuity of care. Diabetic patients, for example, gain a better understanding of their illness and better quality of diabetes management.

By building trust and honesty over time, patients are more likely to give their doctor relevant information or discuss concerns. This means we can tailor our advice and management plans more effectively. As doctors, we learn what is typical for patients and are better placed to spot anything that needs investigating further.

Call us on  +44 (0)20 4580 1152 or email us on [email protected] to arrange a private GP appointment.

Dry January is a distant memory, so July’s Alcohol Awareness Week is an important opportunity for us to think about drinking and ensure we have a healthy relationship with alcohol.

Drinking is ingrained in British culture, although it seems the younger generation is being weaned off it. According to a recent survey carried out by Alcohol Change UK into the public’s views on alcohol and its effects, respondents aged 18-24 had a much more negative view, with 57% believing alcohol played a ‘mainly negative role in society’.

Currently, the UK guidelines for low-risk drinking is no more than 14 units a week, spread over three or more days, split by drink-free days and no bingeing. Drinking more than this exposes you to a range of alcohol-related health problems and can impact your well-being, relationships and your ability to succeed and thrive.

Benefits of resetting your relationship with alcohol

Better sleep: People often think that alcohol helps them sleep, but it disrupts the sleep cycle, reducing the amount of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep you get. You are more likely to wake up early and find it hard to go back to sleep. You are also less likely to snore or need to get up to go to the toilet if you abstain from alcohol before bedtime!

More energy: Lack of sleep has the knock-on effect of making you tired the next day, negatively impacting your energy and concentration levels.

Brighter mood: People often turn to alcohol to cope with stressful situations, but excessive drinking can cause both short and long-term anxiety. As well as a sensation of increased anxiety the next day, dubbed ‘hangxiety’, alcohol’s effect on the delicate balance of chemicals in the brain can have a damaging impact on your mental health in the long term.

Clearer skin: Alcohol is a diuretic which causes your body to dehydrate. It also causes you to lose valuable vitamins and nutrients, causing the skin to look dull and wrinkles to appear more pronounced.

Smaller waistline: Alcohol contains seven calories a gram, which is almost as much as pure fat, so cutting down on what you’re drinking will also make you much less likely to have a beer belly.

Reduces related health risks: Alcohol is a powerful chemical which affects every part of your body. Cutting back on your alcohol consumption will lower your risk of severe health conditions such as heart disease, liver disease, stroke and cancer.

6 strategies for mindful drinking

Mindful drinking is about paying attention to why, what and when you drink, and it can lead to a healthier relationship with alcohol and less consumption. Strategies that can help include:

  • Recording how much you’re drinking
  • Planning ahead
  • Removing triggers
  • Embracing new, non-drinking activities
  • Experimenting with non-alcoholic drinks
  • Being kind to yourself

If you’d like to discuss making positive lifestyle choices, call +44 (0)20 4580 1152  or email [email protected] to arrange an appointment with one of our doctors.

Every June, the focus is on men’s health, and this year’s campaign was on P for Prostate, emphasising the importance of men sharing their stories. When King Charles gave his health update earlier this year, the NHS website’s ‘enlarged prostate’ page received 16,140 visits compared to 1,141 visits the previous day. Prostate Cancer UK had almost double the number of users for its online risk checker.

The Men’s Health Forum has been working hard to shed light on three common conditions affecting men: prostate enlargement, prostatitis, and prostate cancer. The symptoms of these three conditions can be very similar, so seeking medical advice and organising a prostate check as soon as possible is critical.

Prostate enlargement

This is a widespread condition, typically associated with ageing, as research suggests more than one in three men over the age of 50 will have some symptoms related to prostate enlargement. Symptoms include changes to urination patterns, such as needing to pee more frequently or suddenly.

It isn’t caused by cancer, and the medical term is benign prostatic enlargement (BPE). Another term is benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which means an increase in the number of cells, causing the prostate to become enlarged.


Prostatitis is an infection or inflammation of the prostate gland, another non-cancerous condition affecting the prostate. It can develop in men of all ages. There are four main types:

  • chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS)
  • acute bacterial prostatitis
  • chronic bacterial prostatitis
  • asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis

CPPS is the most common type of prostatitis – around 19 out of every 20 men with prostatitis have it. The definitive cause is unknown as it’s not caused by a bacterial infection unlike the other forms of prostatitis. Potential causes include urine getting into the prostate or problems with the pelvic floor muscles, and it might also be linked to other conditions such as IBS. As a result, it can be challenging to diagnose and treat.

Prostate cancer

Here in the UK, prostate cancer is the most common cancer affecting men, with approximately 30,000 new diagnoses a year. Risk factors are age, family history and also ethnicity, with black men much more likely to get prostate cancer.

There’s no single, definitive test for prostate cancer. Your GP may examine your prostate by performing a digital rectal examination, taking a urine sample to check for infection, and testing for prostate-specific antigen, known as a PSA test. An MRI scan of the prostate may then be carried out and a biopsy performed if a problem is discovered.

Until now, there has been no national screening programme for prostate cancer, but Prostate Cancer UK has launched a ‘ground-breaking’ trial known as Transform, which will compare the efficacy of various screening methods.

Previous trials found that PSA tests and biopsies to screen for the disease prevented between 8% and 20% of deaths, depending on screening regularity. Prostate Cancer UK hopes that Transform has the potential to reduce deaths by 40%.

The first phase will involve about 12,500 men and will compare current NHS diagnostic methods with PSA tests, genetic testing and a faster version of the MRI scan – known as a Prostagram – against

The second stage, involving up to 300,000 men, will focus on the most promising methods discovered in stage one. Initial results are expected in three years.

To arrange your prostate check, call +44 (0)20 4580 1152 or email [email protected] to organise a consultation.

If you have been feeling increasingly thirsty, need to urinate frequently or are unusually fatigued, you may be experiencing the early symptoms of type 2 diabetes. A recent study has found that treating type 2 diabetes as early as possible helps to reduce the risks of future complications.

Scientists from Oxford and Edinburgh Universities analysed data spanning over 40 years from the UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS). The results revealed that there was a significant and lasting legacy of early intervention in managing type 2 diabetes.

Benefits of early intervention in diabetes

Treatment with insulin or sulphonylurea tablets immediately after a diabetes diagnosis led to 17% fewer heart attacks, 26% fewer complications associated with diabetes, like kidney failure and vision loss, and 10% reduction in mortality. Compared to managing type 2 diabetes through diet, early treatment with metformin led to 31% fewer heart attacks and 20% fewer deaths.

Data collected over four decades is now revealing that protective effects are long lasting. The researchers believe that effectively reducing blood sugar levels early on creates a ‘memory’ effect even if blood sugar levels rise at a later date.

“People may have type 2 diabetes for several years before being diagnosed as they may have few symptoms until their blood sugars become substantially elevated… Playing catch-up with blood glucose control is not sufficient.”

The importance of regular diabetes health checks

This week is Diabetes Awareness Week in the UK and this year the focus of the campaign is the importance of diabetes health checks in preventing serious complications arising. These include:

Blood tests

This is a regular test that checks your average blood sugar levels over the preceding months, your cholesterol levels to see how much fat is in your blood and your kidney function. A urine sample is also taken to check for signs of kidney disease.

Physical examination

Your blood pressure will be measured as well as your weight and height to assess your BMI.

Diabetic eye check

Not an annual check necessarily but an eye check involves photos taken of your eyes to see how diabetes is affecting them, as it can damage the blood vessels and cause diabetic retinopathy.

‘Knowing your numbers’ is essential. Our annual health checks include a blood test for HbA1c which checks for type 2 diabetes as well as assessing your blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels, and they are recommended from 45 years onwards.

For more advice on diagnosing and treating early type 2 diabetes call +44 (0)20 4580 1152 or email [email protected] to organise a consultation.

Concerns have been raised about the potential number of people in the UK who are at risk of experiencing a stroke, with figures set to increase by more than 50% by 2035. The impact on the NHS and the economy regarding healthcare costs and lost productivity is predicted to be £75bn a year.

This stark prognosis from the Stroke Association is based on trends of worsening physical health, rising obesity levels, and an ageing population. They warn that the impact on our healthcare system and the country’s financial well-being would be ‘unsustainable’ in a decade.

May is Action on Stroke Month, which aims to raise awareness of stroke in terms of prevention and management.

The Stroke Association is calling on the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) to publish a funded stroke prevention plan to support people of all ages to reduce their risk of stroke. A DHSC spokesperson commented: “We’re committed to improving stroke prevention, treatment, and recovery for all. We are also taking action to encourage better lifestyle choices, including creating a smoke-free generation and reducing salt intake through food to help prevent the risk of strokes.”

5 steps to prevent stroke

Public Health England estimates about 80% of strokes in people under 75 could be prevented. Age is a factor, as does a family history of stroke. You can’t reverse the years or escape your genes, but there are positive steps you can take to reduce your risk of stroke.

  1. Lower blood pressure

High blood pressure remains the most significant stroke risk factor, so monitoring and treating hypertension is one of the most important changes you can make. Steps you can take include reducing salt in your diet and exercising more.

  1. Lose weight

Obesity greatly raises your odds of having a stroke. Exercise contributes to weight loss and helps you manage complications such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

  1. Eat a healthy diet

Nutrition goes beyond just weight loss; some diets have been shown to decrease the risk of stroke. The Mediterranean diet focuses on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish and nuts while cutting back on foods high in saturated fats and trans fats, which helps to lower cholesterol.

  1. Quit smoking

Smoking raises your stroke risk in several and quitting is one of the most powerful lifestyle changes you can make to reduce this risk. It is important to remember that most smokers require several goes at quitting – see each attempt as bringing you closer to success.

  1. Reduce alcohol consumption

Even more than two drinks per day increases your stroke risk significantly so drink in moderation. If you do want a tipple, reach for the red wine, as recent research that analysed health data from 32 different countries found evidence that drinking red wine in moderate amounts could be associated with a reduced risk of having a stroke.

For more advice and support on making these important lifestyle changes, get in touch to arrange a private GP appointment with one of our team. Call +44 (0)20 4580 1152.

As temperatures rise and summer beckons, it’s unsurprising that May’s focus is skin cancer and sun awareness. The British Association of Dermatologists has long campaigned for greater knowledge of sun safety, and this year, their particular focus is informing the public about non-melanoma skin cancer and how best to check your skin.

Although most of us are aware of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, recent research has found that more people are now dying of non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) than malignant melanoma.

Conducted by researchers in France, the study analysed data collected by the World Health Organisation and found that non-melanoma skin cancer accounted for more deaths worldwide. Worryingly, they thought this number could even be higher as NMSC is sometimes left out of national cancer registries’ figures as it is considered less serious than other types of cancer.

What is non-melanoma skin cancer?

As with melanoma, NMSC is linked to exposure to UV rays through the sun or tanning beds. Over the last decade, melanoma skin cancer rates have increased by a third and NMSC by 42% in the UK as our attitudes to tanning and sun exposure have changed.

“It is vital we protect our skin from UV rays whether it is from sunlight or sun beds. In my opinion sun beds should have a health warning, considering the risk they carry,” comments GP London W1’s Dr Ravi Brar.

Melanoma is caused by mutations in skin cells called melanocytes, whereas NMSC usually develops in cells in the epidermis, or outermost layer of skin. The two most common types of non-melanoma skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, accounting for about 75% of skin cancers, and squamous cell carcinoma, accounting for about 20% of skin cancers.

Signs of non-melanoma skin cancer

Whether for melanoma or non-melanoma skin cancer, early detection is critical. More than 75% of NMSCs are first noticed by patients or people close to them, so it is vital to recognise the early warning signs.

  • appearance of a lump or patch on the skin that doesn’t heal after a few weeks
  • cancerous lumps are typically red, firm, and shiny
  • cancerous patches are often flat, scaly, and irregularly shaped
  • a sore that won’t heal
  • a growth with raised edges
  • a wart-like growth that might bleed or crust over
  • a skin lesion that itches

Certain risk factors, such as a family history, pale skin that burns easily, and a large number of moles or freckles, can increase one’s chances of developing NMSC.

“Mole mapping serves as a valuable tool for monitoring individuals who have numerous moles and skin lesions, especially those that are large or have irregular shapes, as well as individuals with a personal or family history of skin cancer,” Dr Brar explains.

“If a patient has concerns with any of their skin lesions, it is important for them to seek appropriate guidance. With the aide of dermoscopy, these lesions can be assessed at higher magnifications thus helping with its diagnosis.”

“I developed an interest in skin and skin health about five years ago. The skin is our largest organ, and it’s the first thing everyone sees. If you’re unwell in any way, changes to your skin are often the first sign. The skin is amazing, and it is important knowing how and when to protect it and when to seek help.”

If you’ve noticed any concerning skin changes, book an appointment with one of our GPs.

Research commissioned by Mind, the UK’s leading mental health charity, found that work is the most stressful factor in people’s lives. More than one in three said their work life was either very or quite stressful.

Work-related stress experienced over a long period of time can lead to physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion, which is commonly known as burnout.

April is Stress Awareness Month, and this year’s campaign focuses on how even the smallest steps towards stress reduction can yield improvements in mental health. It is critical to be aware of the warning signs and make manageable adjustments as soon as you spot them.

5 steps to manage and prevent burnout

  1. Break things down: if your workload starts to feel overwhelming, it can often help to break down big jobs into more manageable tasks so you can achieve a series of specific goals.
  2. Learn to delegate: knowing what and when to delegate is often essential to prevent burnout.
  3. Take regular breaks and try to limit working after hours: if you’re very busy at work, it can be tempting to skip lunch or work late, but if this becomes a regular occurrence, you increase the risk of burnout.
  4. Set boundaries: taking on too many commitments can quickly lead to feeling overwhelmed, so set limits on the time you can give to others to prevent burnout proactively.
  5. Embrace self-care: when you’re stressed, it’s easy to fall into bad habits and stop looking after yourself. Exercising regularly, eating healthily, and prioritising sleep are all important for reducing mood swings, improving focus, and boosting your sense of well-being so you can cope with work-related stress.

How employers can support their employees

Work-related stress can significantly impact an employee’s performance and relationships with colleagues. It’s also a significant cause of long-term absenteeism.

“Burnout is an issue we’re increasingly seeing, and over the last 12 months, we’ve seen several employees signed off with burnout due to the chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed,” Dr Caroline Wall explains.

Ideally, employers should approach work-related stress proactively and focus on prevention and early intervention rather than responding to a situation that has affected performance or resulted in short- or long-term absence.

Approaches can include:

  • Flexible working options
  • Stress risk assessments
  • Reduce or eliminate sources of stress based on these assessments
  • Training for line managers
  • Stress management training for the whole workforce
  • Increase support during periods of change or uncertainty

For more advice on how occupational health can help prevent and manage work-related stress, call +44 (0)20 4580 1152 to arrange a discussion with one of our team.

April marks both IBS and Bowel Cancer awareness months, and these two conditions also share many similar symptoms as they affect the same part of the body.

Our health is shaped by a complex interaction between many factors, especially when conditions have overlapping symptoms, which can often lead to anxiety and confusion. Consulting a healthcare professional at an early stage is essential, as they can accurately distinguish and diagnose different conditions and help you manage your health effectively.

What are the symptoms of IBS?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS, is a chronic condition affecting the large intestine. The bowel or large intestine is at the end of your digestive tract or colon.

The most common symptoms of IBS are changes to regular bowel movement, whether that is constipation or diarrhoea. Other symptoms can include abdominal pain, bloating, and a sensation that bowel movements are incomplete. Mucous in the stool is very common and is often whitish.

Even though it is a long-term condition, symptoms often fluctuate in frequency and severity. Certain foods can trigger symptoms of IBS, as well as stress, anxiety and hormonal changes.

Mild to moderate IBS is usually managed with lifestyle changes. Severe symptoms that are affecting quality of life may require medication.

IBS is typically diagnosed by taking a comprehensive medical history and reviewing your symptoms. This will cover your medications and if you’ve had any recent infections or periods of stress. A family history will also be taken to see if there are any instances of celiac disease or colon cancer. Testing is usually to rule out other conditions.

What are the signs and symptoms of colon cancer?

Symptoms of colon cancer can include changes to your bowel habits that last for more than a few days. This could be the following:

  • abdominal pain
  • cramping
  • diarrhoea
  • constipation
  • iron deficiency anaemia
  • blood in your stool or rectal bleeding
  • narrowing of the stool
  • mucous in the stool, usually bloody or dark black
  • the feeling that bowel movements aren’t complete
  • the urge to have a bowel movement when there is no need
  • fatigue
  • unexplained weight loss
  • weakness

Colon cancer will be diagnosed by taking a complete medical history as well as checking whether there is a family history of colon cancer. Risk factors include colorectal polyps, type 2 diabetes and ulcerative colitis, as well as a poor diet and lack of physical activity. In addition to a physical examination, diagnostic tests include blood and stool tests, a colonoscopy, tissue biopsy, and imaging tests, such as an X-ray or CT scan of the colon and rectum.

Can IBS lead to colon cancer?

This is a common concern, but although IBS can be very uncomfortable, it rarely leads to more severe health problems. Unlike inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, IBS does not cause inflammation, a critical factor in colorectal cancer risk.

However, this doesn’t mean you should ignore symptoms and should seek immediate medical advice if you’re experiencing new symptoms such as unexplained weight loss or rectal bleeding.